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Posts by category
- Category: Beef Blurbs
- Avoiding The Calfcicle: Calving in Winter Weather
- Can Pine Needles Cause Abortions in Cows?
- A New Year’s resolution for bull buyers: Know your herd
- Preparing for Spring Grazing After a Dry Fall: Strategies for Ranchers
- 7 Ways to Help Beef Producers Evaluate Potential Replacement Heifers
- Fall and Winter Management Strategies for the Cow Herd – Sample, Test, Inventory and Stage Harvested Hay
- NCBA Releases Findings from Cattle Producer Tax Survey
- Ultrasound Technology Helps Veterinarian Stage Pregnancy, Identify Gender in Beef Cattle
- BQA Calf Hauling Guidelines
- What does it cost to maintain a cow for a year?
- 7 Things to Know or Do about BRD
- To cull, maintain or expand this fall
- Failing to (Biosecurity) Plan is Planning to Fail
- Want More ROI From Your Next Calf Crop? Trace Minerals Can Help
- Monitor Livestock, Pets and Yourself for Eye Gnat Activity
- Summer Management Checklist to Protect Assets
- How Does Your Herd Measure Up?
- Breeding Soundness Exams Set the Stage for Reproductive Excellence
- Fewer Cows, Fewer Ranchers
- Horn flies and Control Options
- Bought the Bull. Now What?
- Benefits of Estrus Synch and Artificial Insemination
- The ‘5 W’s’ of responsible antibiotic use in cattle
- Best Practices for Calf Processing and Branding
- New Guide Helps Producers Maximize Values of Cull Cows
- 5 Practices for A.I. Breeding Success
- Calf Health Following Calving
- Post-Calving Nutrition for the Young Females
- When to Assist with Calving
- How Much Water do Cows Really Need During Cold Weather?
- Identifying The Right Bull for Your Operation
- Third-trimester nutrition is critical for a successful calving season
- NCBA Releases 2024 Policy Priorities
- What are replacement heifers worth in 2024?
- Protecting Your Pastures While Winter Grazing
- Winter Cow Syndrome: What You Need to Know
- Weaning Weight Versus Reproductive Efficiency
- Cow Herd Report Card II. Measures of Performance
- Cow Herd Report Card I. Measures of Performance.
- Considerations of Urea Use in Cattle Rations
- Beef Cattle Budgets
- Cold Weather Nutrition Needs in Beef Cows
- Corn Silage Feed Out
- Winter Management Strategies of Herd Bulls
- 7 Things to Know or Do about BRD
- What to Know About Grazing Frosted Forages
- FDA Unveils Draft Guidance on Antibiotic Duration Of Use in the Feed of Food Animals
- Best practices for vaccinating cattle, handling vaccines, and caring for animal health equipment
- Establish a Complete Herd Health Plan
- Effective Fenceline Weaning for Calves: Stress Reduction and Benefits
- Safe and effective use of cattle steroid ear implants
- It’s Time to Plan for Backgrounding Weaned Calves
- What Has Value To Your Calf Buyer?
- Retained Ownership?
- Scorched to Belly-High: Cattle Producers’ Inside Look at Pasture Conditions
- What are Your Options with Wet Hay?
- Top 10 Ways to Make Cow Herds More Profitable
- How Shade and Water Impact Performance
- How to use garlic powder for fly control in your herd
- Will It Be Profitable to Creep Feed in 2023?
- What Does Pinkeye Cost?
- Managing calf market risk with LRP in 2023
- Do Heifers Have More Potential Value Than Steers?
- Mapping is a Key Part of Spring Leafy Spurge Control Strategy
- Expect Changes in the Use of Growth-promoting Implants in Cattle
- Insecticide Resistance: How to Help Cattle Fight Flies
- Preconditioning Improves Calf Health, Performance and Carcass Quality
- Low-stress Cattle Handling’s Domino Effect on Improved Health, Productivity
- Horn flies and Control Options
- How Rendering Works: Boiling Down the ‘Invisible Industry’
- Beef Cattle Implant Changes: What You Need to Know
- Early Weaning Can Work
- It’s a Uterine Prolapse. Now What?
- Mastitis in Beef Cows: What You Need to Know
- 5 Crop and Livestock Charts to Ponder from USDA’s 10-Year Outlook
- Raising The Orphan Calf
- Ear tag – you’re it
- Will Volatility and Uncertainty Delay the Next Cattle Cycle?
- Is Your Herd Hitting Calving Season Benchmarks?
- Managing Hypothermia in Newborn Calves
- Sire Selection FAQs
- Handling Hydraulic Hoses Requires Extra Caution in Winter
- Value Creation on the Ranch
- Background and Research Supporting Caffeine for High-Risk Calves
- Winter Weather Advisory: Make Your Cows Cold Weather Ready
- How to Adjust Feed Resources and Reduce Hay Waste
- Give Weak Calves A Boost With a Big Squeeze
- What’s A Good Bull Worth?
- Cold Weather Nutrition Needs of Beef Cows
- Mineral Supplementation is Valuable but Know how Products Vary
- Vaccine Handling and Storage Tips
- Prevent Calf Stress and Illness
- Beef Calf Vigor Assessment Shows Importance of Suckle Reflex
- Sexten: High Stakes Decision Making
- Winter Feed Supplementation for Cows
- Beef’s $409 Million Defect
- Post-weaning Cowherd Management
- Test, Don’t Guess – sampling and testing hay
- Bloat: Risk and intervention
- Benefits of early culling open breeding heifers
- Feeding Cows While Coping with Drought and High Input CostS
- ND Angus Fall Tour Wrap-up
- Managing Earlier Weaned Calves
- Transporting Cattle Safely
- FDA CVM attempting to clarify ear implant labels for reimplant use
- 6 Factors to Determine if an Animal is Fit for Transport
- Relieving Stress around the Branding Pen
- How Much Copper Do You Need in Your Mineral?
- Horn Flies: Impact and Control Options for Pastured Cattle
- 20 years preserving the Legacy of the Great Sugar Bar
- How Valu-Bull are Breeding Soundness Exams?
- What You Need to Know to be a Bottle Calf’s Mama
- Intensive Grazing Plays a Key Role in Expanding Grass-Based Agriculture
- Compost handling in agriculture systems: How is compost made?
- The Value of Hay as Fertilizer
- Consider Price Insurance for Your 2022 Calf Crop
- Increasing Capacity for Care in the Face of Calving Season
- Towards a better understanding of energy nutrition
- Ready, Set, Manage Hay Differently
- Beef Carcass Yield Grades: What do they mean and how are they calculated?
- Don’t idle, be prepared for calving season with colostrum
- A closer look at key drivers in the Red Angus bull market
- Planning ahead to feed problem newborn calves
- Calving chains: Choosing them, using them and more
- 3 keys to handling injectables when it is below freezing
- 4 ways to simplify winter feeding
- Six must-know steps for successful winter supplementation programs
- New BRD Test to Aide Cattle Industry
- Select replacement heifers to meet long-term herd goals
- Controlled breeding for better beef herd management
- Vaccines are SENSITIVE! Take It Easy!
- Three tips to extend antibiotic retreatment intervals
- 8 Considerations when choosing winter feeding spot
- Virtual fences: Two producers share their experiences
- Understanding and managing cattle shrink
- Five Tips to Keeping Livestock Vaccines Viable on Farm
- Preparing for Cattle Transport Saves Time, Money and Stress
- So … how long have you and your cows been married?
- Spring vs. fall calving: Best calving season by region
- Livestock Vaccines: How They Work and How to Ensure They Do Their Job
- Montana Beef Directory Connects Local Producers and Consumers
- The Benefit of Sound Decisions
- Culling Decisions Due to Drought
- Celebrating 35 Years of Beef Checkoff Successes
- 3 limitations of drug delivery devices
- Understanding summer pneumonia and pink eye
- Comparing and Pricing Forages
- Know how much water your cattle need
- Tips for Managing Free Choice Mineral Intake
- Grazing Calculator
- Adaptive Management: One Strategy To Increase Your Operation’s Flexibility and Resiliency
- The Importance of Math in the Art of Grazing
- Selecting an Optimum Breeding Season Length
- Breeding Season Planning Resources
- Water quality and concerns for beef cattle
- Proper care and use of fly tags
- Bull Management – It’s a Year-round Commitment
- Why Should You Become BQA Certified?
- Grass Tetany: Now Is the Time To Prepare
- The power of genomics in registered herds
- EPDs 101
- Understanding beef implants
- Managing Postpartum Anestrus in Beef Cows for a Successful Breeding Season
- Economic Considerations for Early Weaning
- Complementing your A.I. program with compatible cleanup bulls
- Don’t Let Dry Conditions Take a Toll on Breeding Success
- How many cows should I expect my bull to cover?
- Interactive Advanced Education Modules Provides Cattle Producers with Targeted Online Learning on Biosecurity
- Late-Term Reproductive Losses in Beef Cattle: Diagnosing the Cause
- Breeding Soundness Examinations for Bulls
- Keep calf, cow — and rancher — dry, warm
- Ruminal acidosis’s impact on semen in developing, young bulls
- Year round prep for your production sale
- Planning is critical for bull sales during a pandemic
- Calving Management and Reducing Calf Losses in Beef Herds
- Calving Season – Not the Time to Skimp on Nutrition
- Understanding the Importance of Your Herd’s Energy Reserves
- 2020 Cattle Market Snapshot
- Proper technique is safest on calf pullers
- Don’t forget the bulls this winter
- Understand the bonding process for a successful union
- Strategic Bedding in the Winter
- Late Gestation Planning Prior to Calving
- Veterinary Feed Directive: What You Can’t Do With a VFD
- Cow herd management and feed strategies in winter
- New Tool Helps Farmers and Ranchers Develop Custom Biosecurity Plan for Disease Prevention
- Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) Focus on Transportation
- Annual Beef Heifer Replacement Forecasts for the 2020 – 2021 Production Season (Summary Briefing)
- 3 questions to ask your seedstock producer
- Preg-Checking Decisions
- Promote herd health by preventing scours
- 6 to-dos for winter herd management
- Body Condition Scoring Your Beef Cow Herd
- Do You Know the Difference Between 9% and 7% Crude Protein Hay?
- Winter care of bulls
- Shipping shrink – Two management considerations
- Cultivating a Beef Advocate
- Bad cows break budgets: The connection between cattle behavior and your bottom line
- Aim for return on investment when planning bull purchase
- New research creates DNA tests for heifer fertility
- How to meet winter water challenges
- Management tips to help reduce transportation stress
- National Taco Day!
- Weaning
- Herd Immunity an Important Concept
- Long hay feeding seasons and long calving seasons: What’s the root cause?
- 6 ways to prepare calves for fall markets
- 5 tips for maximizing ROI from calf vaccinations
- Get those Calves Ready to Go
- FALL Cow & Calf Management
- Timing is Everything
- A Bitter Wind at a Shaky Time, and Iowa Is Left Reeling
- Adding preconditioning to your marketing plan
- 5 ways to prevent transportation stress in cattle
- BQA Program Receives ISO Certification
- Creep Feeding Options: Will it Pay?
- Producer-Led Beef Checkoff Committees Explained
- The Real Cost of Shipping Fever and What You Can Do About It
- Three essential elements of stockmanship
- Producers Share How Healthy Animals Produce Healthy Food
- Hay stocks up, pastures about normal
- Realistic Expectations for Estrus Synchronization and AI Programs
- Colorado, Mississippi, Minnesota, Montana and Tennessee set to join several other states in reopening businesses
- Taking a stand against bruising with BQA self-assessments
- COVID 19’s drastic impact on feeder and stocker cattle receipts
- NCBA Responds To News Of Beef Packing Plant Closure Due To COVID-19
- Bull sale season in the midst of a pandemic
- NCBA Applauds Bipartisan, Bicameral Letter Urging COVID-19 Relief for Cattle Producers
- COVID-19 crisis forces partial closure of JBS Souderton plant
- Roll-on Livestock Haulers
- Certified beef programs are changing how cattle are marketed
- The markets struggle to recover from COVID-19; what’s next?
- 2019 Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board Annual Report
- Use the Numbers (correctly) this Bull Sale Season
- How the coronavirus could affect the American beef industry
- CattleFax: Profits ahead for all segments in 2020
- BQA positively influences consumer confidence in beef
- IX Ranch of Big Sandy, MT is the recipient of the 2020 BQA Cow-Calf Award
- NCBA Pleased with Progress in Checkoff Court Case
- Figuring commercial bull value
- For the love of cows
- China deal called late Christmas present
- Here’s what China agreed to buy from the US in the phase one trade deal
- U.S. and China Face a Steep Climb to Meet Trade Goals
- What’s included in your calving book?
- Scours: Prevention, treatment and control
- Branding: OSU working to settle the debate of the ages
- Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. Wraps Up 2019 by Reaching Consumers
- 3 questions to ask your seedstock producer
- Cattle and beef market resiliency carry the day in the fed cattle market
- Santa delivers trade deals just in time for Christmas
- Does genomic info matter when you bid on a bull?
- Replacement heifers: Nature selects, we observe
- 6 tips to spur new ideas for ranch profitability
- Check out this winter feed cost dashboard
- Closing out 2019 cow slaughter
- The Reality of the Beef Checkoff
- Buying a bull? Run the numbers
- All antibiotics for livestock will soon require a vet’s prescription
- South Dakota, Montana Senators reignite beef labeling discussions
- Beef Quality Assurance Campaign Seeks Greater Understanding of Industry Efforts
- Ranchers connect with vegan Miss Montana USA
- 4-Circle Cattle. What? How?
- Beef Checkoff spurs demand
- BQA Promotion Campaign Targets Consumers
- Want a profitable cow? It starts with a good heifer
- So many bulls, so little time
- Does preg-checking pay?
- We must account hidden losses from subfertile bulls
- Is Beef to Blame for Climate Change?
- How do I get a ‘good’ price for my calves?
- Beef Checkoff funded MBA reaches major milestone
- Here’s why beef producers can be optimistic
- Beef Cattle Decision Aids: Sexed Semen
- Making the case for hybrid vigor, again
- Why you need to reassess your cow lease agreement annually
- Get more out of your hay while wasting less
- Markets continue recovery from Tyson beef plant fire
- Recap: 2019 Cattle Industry Summer Business Meeting
- Montana Ag Network Web Report – BQA Value – Interview with Bill Pelton
- The New Trend in Steak: Old Beef
- Study Shows Premium in Cattle from BQA Certified Producers
- What is a Fair Beef Cow Lease?
- Driving Cows and Calves – How to Make Sure They Stay Together
- Understanding cattle behavior at spring processing
- Japan ends longstanding trade restrictions on American beef, setting stage for exports to grow
- Cattle Industry’s Beef Quality Assurance Program Develops, Distributes Extensive National Manual
- Farmer share of food dollar declines
- Nebraska Disaster Relief Funds Announced
- Your Dollar Made a Difference Last Year
- MSU to offer new ranching systems bachelor’s degree under new Dan Scott Ranch Management Program
- So Why Do Ranchers Love Gelbvieh & Balancer Bulls?
- Nutrition Leader ADM and Red Angus Team Up to Assist Producers
- Woman dies in hay bale accident at Montana ranch
- The Antibiotic Resistance Paradox
- Hi-Line Living: Low-Stress Stockmanship Clinic in Chinook
- Wendy’s to verify cattle care, sustainability in beef supply
- Quiet and Easy
- Livestock department announces new brucellosis vaccine rules in multiple Montana counties
- More than a shot in the neck: Today’s Beef Quality Assurance
- Sorting Pairs Simplified!
- Tips for minimizing feedlot shipping stress
- Tyson Announcement to their Cattle Suppliers
- Benefits of Low Stress Cattle Handling and BQA
- Evaluation of Feet and Legs Important for Cattle Longevity
- Montana Angus Farm Recognized for Historic Angus Herd
- Ron Gill 2018 BQA Educator Award
- Farmers and meatpackers produced a record 100 billion pounds of red meat and poultry in 2017
- Montana Stockgrowers Association seeking applicants for leadership program
- NILE 2017 Commercial Heifer Pen Show Results
- Major food-processing plant to be built near Great Falls
- Category: Bill Says ...
- The Endangered “spotted Cow”
- Self Employed?
- 2020 Gone Viral
- Bred Heifers Anyone?
- This Works!
- It’s That Time of Year
- 2017 Montana Angus Tour in the Books
- We’ve Turned the Corner!
- Rain, rain don’t go away!
- The “Next Year” people.
- It won’t hurt the kids
- Category: FAQ
- Category: Other
Homepage Capsules
- Gray's Angus Ranch
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- Slovek Ranch
- Montana Hereford Association Fall Tour
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- Felton Angus Ranch
- Feiring Angus Ranch
- Webo Angus
- Northern Lites Red Angus
- Garrigan Land & Cattle
- Koenig Ranch Reds
- Heart River Ranch
- MLK Angus - Selling at Prickly Pear
- Sandhill Red Angus
- Rough Country Breeders - Martin Red Angus, Koss Angus, Rising 4 Cattle
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- CattleCon 2025
- CattleCon 2025
- Pass Creek Angus
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- Begger's Diamond V Ranch
- Meadow Acres Angus
- Bruner Angus
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- Glasoe Angus
- NDAA State Select Sale
- Lund's B Bar Angus
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- Ellingson Simmentals
- Glasoe Angus
- Kretschman Angus
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- The Big Female Sale
- Stevenson's Diamond Dot
- Shipwheel Cattle Company
- South Dakota Angus Tour
- Dukart Ranch
- Feiring Cattle Co.
- Danell Diamond Six Ranch
- MHA Fall Tour
- North Dakota Fall Angus Tour
- Sugar Bars Legacy Quarter Horse Sale
- Bill Pelton Tribute
- Bill Pelton Celebration of Life
- Diamond D Angus
- Red Angus National Convention
- Montana Angus Tour
- Gray's Angus Ranch - NEW DATE
- Brooks Chalky Butte Angus Ranch
- Sheridan Ranch - NEW DATE
- Clay Creek Angus
- Loosli Red Angus
- Hinman Angus
- Pass Creek Angus
- Vertical Edge Genetics
- Milk Creek Reds
- McCumber Angus
- Gray's Angus Ranch - Postoned
- Garrigan Land & Cattle
- Feddes / CT Red Angus
- Webo Angus
- Koenig Ranch Reds
- Milk River Angus Association
- Ox Bow Ranch
- Wood V Bar X Ranch
- Open Gate Ranch
- Sheridan Ranch - RESCHEDULED
- Slovek Ranch
- Northern Lites Red Angus
- Feiring Angus Ranch
- Rough Country Breeders - Martin Red Angus and Koss Angus
- Heart River Ranch
- Brown's Angus Ranch
- Spring Cove Ranch
- Meadow Acres Angus
- Reminisce Angus Ranch
- Sletten Angus
- GBT Angus (Day 2)
- GBT Angus (Day 1)
- Koupal Angus
- Mrnak Hereford Ranch
- Kicking Horse Ranch
- Bullis Creek Ranch
- Beartooth Stock Association
- Powder River Angus
- Ellingson Simmentals
- Bruner Angus
- Danell Diamond Six Ranch
- Schaff Angus Valley
- Begger's Diamond V Ranch
- Little Goose Ranch
- Klain Simmental Ranch
- McCann Red Angus
- NDAA State Select Sale
- Curfman Charolais
- Pesticide Application Training
- Shipwheel Cattle Company
- Dukart Ranch 2023
- Kretschman Angus
- Wood V Bar X Ranch
- Glasoe Angus
- Glasoe Angus
- Big Sky Elite Female Sale
- Feiring Cattle Co.
- Veseth Cattle Co.
- NILE Red Angus Sale
- South Dakota Angus Tour (Day 2)
- South Dakota Angus Tour
- Sugar Bars Legacy Quarter Horse Sale
- Diamond D Angus
- Powder River Quarter Horse Breeders Assn.
- Montana Angus Tour (Day 3)
- Montana Angus Tour (Day 2)
- Montana Angus Tour
- Cattle Marketing Meeting
- Cattle Industry Convention (Day 3)
- Cattle Industry Convention (Day 2)
- Cattle Industry Convention
- Red Angus Convention (Day 3)
- Red Angus Convention (Day 2)
- Red Angus Convention
- Montana Hereford Association Fall Tour (Day 2)
- Montana Hereford Association Fall Tour
- Cattle Marketing Meeting
- Beartooth Stock Association
- Clay Creek Angus
- Milk River Angus Association 2023
- Duncan Ranch
- Diamond D Angus Sire Directory
- Gem State Angus Ranch - Treasure State Bull Test
- Gem State Angus Ranch - Midland Bull Test
- Winding River Angus
- Winding River Angus
- Springlake Angus
- Gray's Angus Ranch
- Hilltop Angus
- Hinman Angus 2023 Sale
- G B T Angus
- Lost Lake Ranch
- Koenig Ranch Reds 2023 Sale
- Beartooth Stock Association
- Sinclair Cattle Company
- Brooks Chalky Butte Angus Ranch
- Malek Angus Ranch
- Webo Angus - RESCHEDULED
- Beckton Red Angus
- Lost Creek Red Angus
- Gray's Angus Ranch - POSTPONED
- Vertical Edge Genetics 2023
- McCann Red Angus
- Evenson Angus
- Milk Creek Reds Angus 2023
- Blevins Angus Ranch
- Open Gate Ranch 2023
- McCumber Angus 2023 Sale
- Spring Cove Ranch 2023
- Northern Lites Red Angus 2023 Sale
- Lufkin Cattle Company
- MT Performance Bull Co-op
- Ridl Angus
- Slovek Ranch 2023
- Lone Tree Red Angus
- Stucky Ranch
- Leadore Angus Ranch
- Danell Diamond Six Ranch
- Laubach Red Angus
- Duncan Ranch
- South Montana Angus Association
- Sutherlin Farms Red Angus
- Green Mountain Red Angus
- Feiring Angus Ranch
- Ox Bow Ranch 2023
- Sheridan Ranch 2023
- Booth's Cherry Creek Angus
- Rough Country Breeders 2023 - Martin Red Angus and Koss Angus
- Schaff Angus Valley
- Reminisce Angus Ranch 2023 Sale
- Hyline Angus Ranch
- L Bar W Cattle Company
- Heart River Ranch - Open A Angus
- Connelly Angus Ranch
- Klain Simmental Ranch
- Meadow Acres Angus 2023 Sale
- Frey Angus Ranch
- Veseth Cattle Co.
- Loosli Red Angus 2023 Sale
- Pass Creek Angus 2023 Sale
- Baumgarten Cattle Co.
- Veltkamp Angus
- Prairie Hills Gelbvieh
- Koupal Angus
- Dukart Ranch - Rescheduled
- Bruner Angus
- Garrigan Land & Cattle
- Brown's Angus Ranch
- Mrnak Hereford Ranch
- Bullis Creek Ranch
- Little Goose Ranch
- Lund's B Bar Angus
- Powder River Angus
- Lassle Ranch Simmentals
- Felton Angus Ranch
- Prickly Pear Simmental
- Ellingson Simmentals
- Sletten Angus
- Begger's Diamond V Ranch
- Kretschman Angus
- Dukart Ranch - ONLINE AUCTION
- Benchmark ® Angus
- Shoco Ranch
- Zumbrunnen Angus
- NDAA State Select Sale
- Feiring Cattle Co.
- KG Ranch
- Big Sky Elite Female Sale
- Largent & Sons Herefords
- Hereford Influenced Feeder Calf Sale
- Hague Angus Ranch
- Glasoe Angus
- Glasoe Angus
- NILE MT Red Angus
- Johnson Polled Herefords
- Green Mountain Angus Ranch
- Spickler Ranch North
- Stevenson's Diamond Dot
- Ox Bow Ranch
- Reminisce Angus Ranch 2022 Fall Sale
- Shipwheel Cattle Company
- BQA in person Training
- North Dakota Fall Angus Tour
- Reindl Quarter Horses & Comp Quarter Horses
- Flood Relief Auction
- Powder River Quarter Horse Breeders Assn.
- Diamond D Angus
- Feiring Cattle Co.
- BQA in person Training
- Piazzola Angus Ranch
- Weisbeck Red Angus - SOLD!!!
- North Fork Angus
- OK Cattle Company
- Garrigan Land & Cattle
- North Fork Angus - Selling at Milk River Angus Sale
- Medicine Rocks Ranch - Rescheduled
- Gemstate Angus Ranch & Double T Angus
- Miske Ranch Angus - Rescheduled
- Pass Creek Angus - RESCHEDULED
- MLK Angus - Selling at Treasure Bull Test
- Gem State Angus Ranch
- Timber Line Ranch
- Winding River Angus
- FBA Ranch
- Springlake Angus
- Pass Creek Angus - NEW SALE DATE
- Gray's Angus Ranch
- Red Angus Convention - Kalispell
- Beartooth Stock Association
- MLK Angus - Selling at SpringLake Angus sale
- Beckton Red Angus 2022
- Opp Angus
- Danell Diamond Six Ranch
- Medicine Rocks Ranch - New Sale Date
- Mangen Angus Ranch
- Treasure Bull Test
- Thistledew Cattle
- Winding River Angus
- Lost Creek Red Angus
- Koenig Ranch Reds
- Peterson Grain & Cattle
- Vertical Edge Genetics 2022
- Open Gate Ranch
- Bowles J5 Reds
- Sunny Okanogan Angus Ranch
- Webo Angus
- Glasoe Angus
- Lost Lake Ranch
- Brooks Chalky Butte Angus Ranch
- Feddes / CT Red Angus
- Redland Red Angus
- Rooney Angus Ranch
- Hinman Angus
- Lufkin Cattle Company
- Blevins Angus Ranch
- McCumber Angus
- Laubach Red Angus
- South Montana Angus Association
- Severance Angus
- Feiring Angus Ranch
- FBA Ranch
- Milk Creek Reds 2022
- Garrigan Land & Cattle
- Prairie Hills Gelbvieh
- Slovek Ranch
- Duncan Ranch
- Herd Builder Bull Sale
- Best Angus & Quarter Horses
- Ridl Angus
- Milk River Angus Association 2022
- Fast - Dohrmann - Strommen
- Heart River Ranch - Open A Angus
- Carr Angus
- K2 Red Angus
- Sutherlin Farms Red Angus
- Green Mountain Red Angus
- Rough Country Breeders - Martin Red Angus and Koss Angus
- Spring Cove Ranch
- Bruner Angus
- Loosli Red Angus
- Sugar Bars Legacy Quarter Horse Sale
- Reminisce Angus Ranch 2022 Spring Sale
- Northern Lites Red Angus
- Stucky Ranch
- Pelton Polled Herefords
- Booth's Cherry Creek Angus
- Miske Ranch Angus - NEW DATE
- L Bar W Cattle Company
- Hyline Angus Ranch
- Van Dyke Angus Ranch
- Baumgarten Cattle Co.
- McConnell Angus
- Connelly Angus Ranch
- Begger's Diamond V Ranch
- Brown's Angus Ranch
- Felton Angus Ranch
- Koupal Angus
- SO Cattle Inc.
- Lassle Ranch Simmentals 2022 Sale
- Klain Simmental Ranch
- Frey Angus Ranch
- Mrnak Hereford Ranch
- Meadow Acres Angus
- Powder River Angus 2022 Sale
- Lund's B Bar Angus
- Bullis Creek Ranch
- Schaff Angus Valley
- Urlacher Angus
- Ellingson Simmentals
- Veltkamp Angus
- Lone Tree Red Angus
- Topp Herefords
- Hague Angus Ranch
- Veseth Cattle Co.
- R. Math Farms
- KG Ranch
- Kretschman Angus
- Sletten Angus
- Beef Country Genetics
- Dukart Ranch
- Feiring Cattle Co.
- Zumbrunnen Angus
- Cross Diamond Cattle
- Little Goose Ranch
- Big Sky Elite Female 2021 Sale
- Gill Red Angus
- Glasoe Angus
- Prickly Pear Simmental
- Gnerer Angus
- Green Mountain Angus Ranch
- Local Meat Market & Processing Workshop
- Stevenson's Diamond Dot
- Spickler Ranch North
- Strommen Ranch
- Shipwheel Cattle Company
- NILE Red Angus Sale
- BQA Monthly Virtual Training
- BQA Monthly Virtual Training
- Diamond D Angus
- Rancher Resource Network Summit
- How to manage cow herd in the winter months with drought conditions
- Reminisce Angus Ranch Influence Bred Heifer Sale
- BQA in person Training - Postponed
- Montana Angus Tour 2021
- Powder River Quarter Horse Breeders Assn. 2021
- BQA Monthly Virtual Training
- BQA in person Training
- BQA Monthly Virtual Training
- Veseth Cattle Co.
- Beartooth Stock Association
- BQA Monthly Virtual Training
- MLK Angus - Selling at Treasure Bull Test
- Les Craft Angus 2021
- Les Craft Angus / Midland Bull Test
- Ostrum Livestock
- Northwest Wyoming Angus Association
- Vollmer Angus
- Winding River Angus
- Powder River Angus Private Treaty 2021
- Garrigan Land & Cattle
- BQA Monthly Virtual Training
- K Butterfield Livestock
- Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics 2021 Bull Sale
- Redd Ranches
- Feddes / CT Red Angus
- Eaton Charolais
- Opp Brothers Angus
- Wood V Bar X Ranch
- Koenig Ranch Reds
- Flat Water Red Angus Gang
- BQA Monthly Virtual Training
- Stucky Ranch
- Medicine Rocks Ranch
- Gollaher Ranch
- Treasure Bull Test
- Treasure Chest Sale
- Blevins Angus Ranch
- I Like It Like That Red Angus
- Powder River Angus - Delayed
- Pieper Red Angus
- Evenson Angus
- Felton Angus Ranch
- Littau Land & Cattle
- Carr Angus 2021
- Beckton Red Angus 2021
- Skinner Ranch Salers & Angus
- Glasoe Angus
- Larsen Ranch Angus
- Webo Angus
- Lost Lake Ranch
- Brooks Chalky Butte Angus Ranch
- Young Brothers Angus
- McCumber Angus
- Rooney Angus Ranch
- Open Gate Ranch
- Miske Ranch Angus
- SO Cattle Inc.
- Lufkin Cattle Company
- Feiring Angus / Ash Coulee Ranch
- Pass Creek Angus
- Chimney Butte Ranch
- Vertical Edge Genetics
- Ox Bow Ranch
- Gray's Angus Ranch
- Duncan Ranch
- Northern Lites Red Angus
- Ridl Angus
- Heart River Ranch - Open A Angus
- The Adams Connection - Snake River Valley Genetics
- Sunny Okanogan Angus Ranch
- Loosli Red Angus
- Bowles J5 Reds
- Laubach Red Angus
- Hinman Angus
- Big Country Genetics 2021
- Milk Creek Reds 2021
- Quest of the West
- Redland Red Angus
- Green Mountain Red Angus 2021
- Leland / Koester Red Angus
- Spring Cove Ranch
- Van Dyke Angus Ranch
- L Bar W Cattle Company
- Fast - Dohrmann - Strommen
- Slovek Ranch
- Camas Prairie Angus Ranch
- Wyoming Bull Test WBCIA
- Wheeler Mountain Ranch
- Reminisce Angus Ranch - March, 2021
- Riverbend Ranch
- Sandmeier Charolais
- Frey Angus Ranch
- K2 Red Angus
Agrimercial Ads
- AgWest Farm Credit
- EverAg
- Northwest Farm Credit Services
- AgRisk Advisors
- Hubbard Feeds
- Agri-merical
- Livestock Insurance
- Hall and Hall Financing
- Montana Red Angus Association (MTRAA)
- Nichols Cattle Services
- Hardin Chevrolet
Business Card Ads
- Hardin Chevrolet
- Montana Red Angus Association (MTRAA)
- Shipwheel
- Your Ad Here
- Kyle Shobe Auctioneer
Country Classifieds
- For Sale: 100 Bred Heifers
- Estenson Ranch 05-05-2021
- For Sale: 15 Red Angus Commercial Heifer Calves
- For Sale: 1999 Chevrolet Silverado
- For Sale: Mixed Age Pairs
- For Sale: Black Angus Replacement Heifers
- For Sale: 90 - 2 year old black Angus pairs- SOLD!!!
- Mydland Angus Bred Heifers For Sale
- For Sale: John Deere Tractor 7410 - SOLD!!!
- For Sale: Degalman Hay Processor - SOLD!!!
- Top Notch Angus Bred Heifers For Sale
- Border Collie Puppies for Sale!
- For Sale: 10 year old registered Quarter Horse sorrel mare
- For Sale: 10 year old Sorrel Gelding
- For Sale: High Quality Purebred Angus Bred Heifers
- For Sale: 50 Top Quality Red Angus Replacement Heifers
- For Sale: Tires and Rims
- Selling 30 Commercial Red Angus Heifers
- Red Angus Bred Commercial Cows for Sale
- Registered Bred Heifers For Sale
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- Major rancher in Montana after attending our BQA Certification and Stockmanship Clinic with Tom Curtin
- On-Site Safety & OSHA Training Attendee at BQA Certification and Stockmanship Clinic with Tom Curtin
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- Seedstock Producer
- Seedstock Producer
- Seedstock Producer
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- Digital Marketing, Video production, Conference Call customer
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- Seedstock Producer
- Seedstock Producer
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- Beef Quality Assurance Training Seminar
- Seedstock Producer
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- Seedstock Producer
- Seedstock Producer