e-Cattle Ads
Your digital advertising destination and online sale barn for everything Livestock. Our website and social media reach continue to be a leader in the industry. The eCattleAd Digital Marketing Package is our most popular product bringing top of the mind awareness to the “right kind”. Here’s a peek at our ANALYTICS REPORT for June, 2023 – May, 2024: Face Book Post Reach 160,336,Website Page Views 132,750, Email Delivered 178,000+. Give us your Data and we’ll set up a dedicated page and Sortable Spreadsheet available for your customers to view online. Visit our Sale Sale Calendar Page for up-to-date sale information.

Video Production
Let us help you attract prospects & customers with individual videos for all of your sale lots, professionally edited and posted on our website a minimum of 2 weeks prior to your sale, then direct your clients to our website to view videos. Videos are a great way to promote your sale and give you the extra edge to reach a larger clientele. Contact Us

Internet Auctions
Best deal on market! For our customers who are interested in low key inexpensive and less labor involved sales. We are happy to customize a package for your business and here is a great example of what we can do for you: Sale Advertising with eCattleAdPlus, Sale day services, Internet Auction set-up, Quality Video production, Management of Internet Auction. Demo Auction available. Register an account and take it for a test drive. Or Contact us we’d be happy to demonstrate for you.

Private Treaty
Whether it’s all the bulls in your line up or the top performers and/or herd bull prospects, let us help you share them with the world. Go for maximum exposure and move them from your quiet country road to our busy internet highway. Why not take advantage of our Private Treaty Page, web presence and social sharing features? Don’t keep your hard work and genetic potential a secret — share it with our readers! Contact Us to Get Started

Let’s be Partners! Why not make it easy for our viewers to find you? We’d be happy to post your hot linked web banner on our site driving qualified customers and prospects to your business. That’s what networking is all about. Remember, a wise man once said, “Failure to advertise is a lot like winking at a girl in the dark”. If you feel a wink coming on… give us a call and we’ll work out the details! Contact us to learn more.

Sale Reports
We’ll host your Sale Report on our website, promote on social media and send a Sale Report Alert! to our readers letting them know the sale report is available for viewing. Create “top of mind” awareness everyday, not just sale day. Sign up for alerts … Subscribe today!